Shoutout 2024-03 – Give to Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheras

Been busy, but this site lives on.

Salam and good day. My mother helps out at Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheras which has long term golden years residents and is looking for support and donations for this year’s iftar program . You gave generously last year, so please give again this year. I didn’t publish iftar photos as it is their home, but please drop by if you wish with your financial donations. Daily iftar budget is RM4,200 @ rm 20 per person 210 residents and 30 staff.

And a reference, if you want to know if it is up and up:

and a Facebook page,

form is at!AoAtWPYbwNvxnOlliGCG2L4Plq4mnw?e=PwuifZ or if you trust me and my shyster cats, you can send the money to me.

If this is not your bag, please be more generous this fasting month, and help other deserving causes.

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